Gender Disparities in the Juvenile Justice System

American Civil Liberties Union and Legal Aid Society – Juvenile Rights Division
David Hansell and Regina Quattrochi
Stacey Block, Elena DeStefano, Samantha Galing, Azadeh Osanloo, De’Shawn Wright, George Zamora

The Capstone team assisted the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Legal Aid Society - Juvenile Rights Division (LAS–JRD) in determining whether there are gender disparities in the New York juvenile justice system. After a comprehensive literature review, the Capstone team conducted an analysis of the New York juvenile justice system by visiting detention centers and interviewing professionals and children in the juvenile justice system. Research culminated in recommendations to aid the ACLU and LAS-JRD in advocating for systematic improvements in the services provided to young females in the New York juvenile justice system. The Capstone team’s report also provides a foundation for future research and advocacy effort in this area.