Hinchliffe Stadium Rehabilitation

New Jersey Community Development Corporation
Kate Collignon, Kei Hayashi
Galin Brooks, Greg Holisko, Fedor Novikov, Julie Simon, Erin Young

The New Jersey Community Development Corporation (NJCDC) has identified Hinchliffe Stadium, a former Negro Baseball League venue and treasured community asset, as a key site for revitalization and creative historic preservation. The Capstone team conducted an implementation strategy and feasibility analysis for Hinchliffe Stadium that examined how to reopen the facility for athletic use, preserve and celebrate its historic and cultural importance, and ensure financial sustainability. The final project outlined the steps needed to bring Hinchliffe to a baseline reactivation, recommended an operating model and revenue structure, and described options for future site development. To determine the parameters for site development, the Capstone team examined case studies of comparable historic stadiums to identify appropriate operating models and potential expenditures and revenues. Additionally, the Capstone team analyzed different financing options, which involved profiling potential sponsors and partners. The final report provided a roadmap for stakeholders to use when moving forward with this project.