Housing in Sunset Park: A Community-Oriented 10-Year Plan

Brooklyn Community Board 7
Michael Keane
Horace Greene, Finn Greenspan, Abigail Juaner

Brooklyn Community Board 7 (CB7) is a local, autonomous NYC agency that facilitates citizen participation within the Sunset Park and Windsor Terrace communities. In Sunset Park, increasing income inequality and a tightening housing market have resulted in the continued depletion of the affordable housing stock and the displacement of longtime residents. CB7 engaged a Capstone team to assess the current housing environment and develop recommendations to guide future housing and land use decisions in the district. The team analyzed the existing conditions and housing trends in the neighborhood, engaged stakeholders, reviewed legal and financial frameworks, and evaluated best practices. The team presented a final report analyzing neighborhood trends and stakeholder engagement and proposing recommendations to guide affordable housing preservation, development, and land use decisions subject to public review.

Capstone Year