How Do They Do It? Landmarks Commissions Across the Country

New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission
Kate Collignon, Kei Hayashi
Daniella Bonilla, Mireille Martineau, Chris Minniti, Maria Pedroza

New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) is responsible for identifying and designating landmark buildings and areas in the five boroughs. LPC requested a Capstone team in order to better understand, compare, and analyze how other cities landmarks and preservation commissions operate. The Capstone team chose the cities of Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Palm Beach, and San Francisco for the study. The team's research, which focused on differentiating stages in the designation processes and subprocesses for the cities as well as laying out a typology for each city, has yielded findings that are informative for LPC and will provide them with a set of best practices and recommendations.