How NYC Recreation Centers Can Improve Women's Health

"New York City Council, Policy and Investigations Division"
John Brothers and Monte Kurs
"Pamela Baga, Mavis Mai, Makiko Sato, Gaukhar Smailova, Debby Sotelo"

"In 2007, the State of New York received an ""unsatisfactory"" grade in women's health from the National Women's Law Center. In response, New York City Council's Policy and Investigations Division was interested in assessing how New York City's public recreation centers can positively impact women's health. The Capstone team created a protocol to evaluate the current state of New York City's public recreation centers and visited a representative sample of them. The Capstone team then researched benchmark cities to find successful city initiatives targeting women's health. The Capstone team's final deliverable is a comprehensive analysis of New York City's recreation centers and recommendations for improving the quality of the recreation centers for the purpose of improving women's health in New York City. "