Identifying Holistic Needs of Children Born of Genocidal Rape in Rwanda

Foundation Rwanda
Charles Bailey and David Winder
Priscilla Addison, Eras Chong, Laura Roberts, Alyson Wise, Shalane Yuen

Founded in 2008, Foundation Rwanda (FR) is a nonprofit organization that supports children born from rape committed during the 1994 genocide. While FR originally focused on financing education, the organization currently seeks to expand its work by providing more holistic support to these children and their caregivers. The Capstone team conducted qualitative research to identify the needs of FR’s beneficiaries and identified services that will enhance the target population’s academic achievement and enrich their daily lives. The team’s final report includes projected costs for holistic service packages and a strategy for offering FR’s beneficiaries greater access to economic empowerment opportunities as well as physical and psychological care.