The Impact of Freeplay Radios on Flood Affected Areas in Mozambique

The Freeplay Foundation & The General Board of Global Ministries
Dennis Smith and Paul Smoke
Christian Bowman, Shanya Harris, Alicia Polak, Tuesday Saperia, Maurice Seaton

The Capstone team was commissioned to perform an impact evaluation of the use of Freeplay wind-up radios in the flood-affected areas of Mozambique. The General Board of Global Ministries funded a large portion of the 7,500 self-powering radios, which were distributed following the devastating floods in Mozambique in the Spring of 2000. The Capstone team conducted on site analysis during the month of January 2001, as the research team visited the distribution sites and other areas of severe flood damage to evaluate the impact of the radios as a sustainable communication tool in rural developing areas.