Improving Access to Healthy, Fresh Foods in East and Central Harlem

New York City Food and Fitness Partnership
Charles Brecher
Pamela Corbett, Ivonne Garcia, May Hui, Jessica Schwartz

The NYC Food and Fitness Partnership is a taskforce comprised of members from several local organizations and city agencies dedicated to improving access to healthy food and increasing opportunities for physical activity and active living for all New Yorkers. The Partnership charged the Capstone team to study the disparities in access to supermarkets for residents in East and Central Harlem. The Partnership was particularly interested in identifying ways the City of New York can help current and potential supermarket operators in these neighborhoods overcome operational barriers that affect store quality and often limit the availability of healthy, fresh foods in their stores. To identify these barriers, the Capstone team designed and conducted a survey assessing store quality, operations, design, and management. Using the survey data, the team identified ways the City can better support supermarket operators and improve the provision and consumption of healthy foods in East and Central Harlem.