Improving HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy Development and Implementation at Indian BPO Firms

Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria
Lucille Pilling
Betsy Fuller-Matambanadzo, Kate Otto, Mishiko Seino, Lola Taiwo

The Global Business Coalition is a corporate membership organization helping corporations identify and implement programs within their businesses to address diseases such as HIV/AIDS. Many of these corporations utilize Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) firms to achieve maximum efficiency in their supply chain. The Capstone team discovered that BPO firms tend to employ a young, mobile workforce that is compensated significantly higher than the national average. Higher levels of disposable income can allow BPO employees to engage in high-risk behavior that can lead to an increase HIV/AIDS transmission. Due to the immense growth in BPO industries, the Capstone team examined the development and implementation of HIV workplace policies by multinational corporations operating offshore firms in India by focusing on HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank as two case studies. The team will deliver a comprehensive written report complete with data analysis, corporate policy analysis, best practices, and recommendations for HIV policy implementation.