Improving Workflow Processes for the Council on Accreditation

Council on Accreditation
Sara Grant, Merle McGee
Keven Lee, Leora Lipton, Emily Pallin, Anjali Singh, Antonio Whitaker

The Council on Accreditation (COA) partners with human service organizations worldwide to improve service delivery outcomes by developing, applying, and promoting accreditation standards. Currently at a critical juncture in its expansion, COA regards workflow, efficiency, effectiveness, and staff morale as significant components for the organization's continued and future success. The Capstone team was tasked to work with COA to isolate existing workflow constraints, identify best practices from related fields, and craft recommendations to promote efficiency and effectiveness. The Capstone team gathered data by conducting interviews and focus groups and surveying COA's staff. The team's final report provided COA with research and recommendations that will assist the organization in its efforts to achieve its organizational goals and, more specifically, improve workflow. The final research deliverables will allow the organization to recognize methods that will maximize efficiency and reduce staff workload. Optimally, these recommendations related to workflow will also positively affect employee morale and customer satisfaction.