Integrated transportation plan for the city of Long Beach, New York

Sustainable Long Island/City of Long Beach
Steven Jacobs
Mariana Oliver, Kevin James McNamara, Ian Hartz, Tallant Burley

Sustainable Long Island (SLI) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing economic development, environmental health, and social equity throughout Long Island. SLI has been working with the City of Long Beach to rebuild infrastructure and provide services in a more resilient manner. SLI has identified transportation as an opportunity to better connect locals and visitors to Long Beach. The Capstone team researched and reviewed best practices in multi-modal transportation, parking, transportation infrastructure (including buses and biking), and wayfinding. The team also conducted a preliminary parking inventory of existing parking lots and garages in the City of Long Beach and developed a survey to assess the quality of the bus system. Based on its observations and analysis, the team’s final report included recommendations for improving existing transportation infrastructure in the City, including the biking system, and implementation of a Complete Streets program.