Myrtle Avenue Plaza Maintenance and Programming

Myrtle Avenue Revitalization Project
George Sweeting
Xiaolei Guo, Brian Levinson, Jiashuang Mu, Yen Pham

The Myrtle Avenue Revitalization Project (MARP) faces budgeting maintenance and designing programming challenges for their soon-to-be-constructed plaza at Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Business Improvement District (BID). The Capstone team was engaged to draft a detailed maintenance budget and a programming manual for the 20,000-square-foot pedestrian plaza. As a result, the team developed the budget with scenario analysis by reviewing materials from the Plaza's public design workshops, physical plans, available kiosk proposals from other BIDs, and city regulations related to concession stands. Additionally, the team gathered programming ideas through a community survey on local merchants and residents, and conducted interviews with staff from other BIDs and Plaza Program staff at the NYC Department of Transportation. The team also explored sponsorship and other revenue generating opportunities to pay for programming and maintenance.