Navigating the NYC Child Support System

Her Justice
Meridith Seife
Mili Chapado, Jennifer Kaizer, Lorellee Kampschnieder

Her Justice is a nonprofit organization that provides free legal services to low-income women in NYC by recruiting and mentoring volunteer lawyers in family, divorce, and immigration law cases. Child support cases are among the most common in NYC Family Court; however, the process is not transparent. Her Justice enlisted a Capstone team to track the process for custodial parents seeking to obtain child support, identify the most prevalent challenges in navigating the system, and recommend resources to make the system more navigable for both clients and lawyers. The team conducted interviews to develop a deeper understanding of the child support system and identify points of confusion in the process. In their culminating report, the team outlined the process from start to finish, identified common challenges faced by clients, and highlighted potential improvements. The team’s research will inform the development of a visual guide highlighting the intricacies of the child support system, as well as other future resources.

Capstone Year