The New York

York College
Melissa Kaplan-Macey
Steven Higashide, Samuel Masters, Sara Oliver, Renata Silberblatt, Joanna Todaro

York College engaged a Capstone team to develop physical design and programmat­ic recommendations that both improve the physical connectivity of the York Campus and help to increase a sense of community at the College. In particular, the team looked to identify projects of progressive scale that would have a large impact on the York Community. The Capstone project worked within the guiding principles of promoting health, connecting students with history and cultural resources, and strengthening York's brand. The team developed a "Pilot Project" which is a one day event oncampus designed to foster informal interactions among students and faculty and promote school spirit. The Capstone team's recommendations are the result of consultation and collaboration with York students, faculty, and administration as well as with community stakeholders.