NYC Charter and Government Reform

Citizens Union Foundation
Charles Brecher
Ida Cheng, Jenifer Clapp, Arianne Garza, Liz Oakley, Gregory Wong

The Citizens Union Foundation (CUF) is a nonprofit research, education and advocacy organization that monitors the deliberations and actions of government, conducts research, and analyzes the impact of proposed public policy and legislation at the city and state level. From the dismantling of Tammany Hall to the institution of term limits, New York City's municipal government has undergone significant transformation. The Capstone Team examined the landmark City Charter revisions in 1989 and how they have shaped the city today. The report focuses on issues such as the impact of term limits, the role of the public campaign finance program and the balance of power and diversity amongst the City’s elected officials. The team completed an extensive literature review, policy analysis, election data review, and key informant interviews to inform a set of issues for further consideration in the CUF's ongoing efforts to encourage a representative and effective New York City government.