NYC Initiative for Children With Incarcerated Parents: A Case for Counting and Tracking Children of Promise

Osborne Association
Dennis Smith and Ana Oliveira
"Elizabeth Fisher, Wilnelia Gutierrez, Julie Weiss"

"Every day in New York City children face the loss of a parent due to incarceration. Existing research does not account for the numbers, ages, gender or locations of these children, thus impeding the development and implementation of programs and services that address their specific needs and those of their caregivers. Through an extensive literature review, interviews with experts in the field, and interviews with New York City government agencies such as Administration for Children's Services, Department of Corrections, Department of Juvenile Justice, and the New York Police Department, the Capstone team has identified missed opportunities among New York City agencies to help children who have had, or currently have, a parent in prison. The report will offer recommendations for counting and identifying children as well as provide an organizational audit tool for agencies to assess to what degree organizational policies take into consideration both the existence and needs of children with incarcerated parents. "