Penn Station Area Inventory and Recommendations for Community Board Five

Manhattan Community Board 5
Melissa Kaplan-Macey
Jeffery Aser, Michael Devlin, Eman Eshmawy, Jonathan Matz

The Capstone team worked with Manhattan’s Community Board Five (CB5) to inventory and assess current conditions and planned projects in the Penn Station area as a foundation for future community planning efforts and a potential 197-A plan. The study area extends from 8th Avenue to Lexington Avenue and from 59th Street to 14th Street. The team assessed opportunities and challenges in the area including open space, office and residential capacity, traffic and congestion management, and economic activity. As part of this assessment they analyzed digital data sources, conducted field surveys, and interviewed stakeholders. The final product was an assessment of the area and recommendations for further inquiry into zoning open space, transportation improvements, and economic development programs.