Performance Management for the Greyston Foundation
"The Greyston Foundation supports lowincome individuals and families in Yonkers, NY, as they forge paths to selfsufficiency and community transformation. The Capstone team was charged with analyzing the performance measurement practices at Greyston in an effort to increase program effectiveness and to identify a structure for best practices in outcome measurement. To do this, the Capstone team examined Greyston's current performance management practices and developed a measurement tracking tool for three of twelve programs at the organization. This system will also serve as the prototype for Greyston's overall outcome measurement protocol: the Child Care Center (CCC), Yonkers' only NAEYC accredited day care; Issan House, a residence for people living with HIV/AIDS; and the Greyston Bakery, a social enterprise that serves the ""double bottomline"" of reducing the Foundation's reliance on external funding sources in addition to providing jobs and training for an entrylevel workforce within Yonkers. "