Preparing Fiscal Operations for Growth

Transitional Services for New York
Amy Goldman and Roger Kropf
Gregory Bennett, David Brody, Alice Ka Man Cheng, Akriti Mehta, Maureen Namawejje

The Capstone team worked with leadership and staff of Transitional Services for New York (TSINY), a nonprofit providing community based services to individuals with mental disabilities, to conduct a complete overview of the organization’s fiscal department. With the information gathered, the team created an excel-based labor analytics tool, which will allow management to understand the needs of the department, given varying levels of expected growth over the next several years. In order to gather the appropriate information, the team first conducted several site visits and interviewed employees at all levels of the organization. Additionally, the team distributed a survey to TSINY’s peer organizations in the NY-Metro area to understand their level of staffing and resource utilization. Lastly, the team conducted a survey of staff level employees at TSINY and analyzed volume and payroll data. Based on this information, the team will help senior leadership fully understand the current state of the fiscal department, including the appropriateness of its current staffing and needs, in light of anticipated growth.