Research Subject Recruitment Registry Creation and Development

New York University Child Study Center
S.J Avery and John Donnellan
"Valentina Clark, Sibernie Dalloo, Jordan Reese, Allison Smith"

"Despite being named one of only two independent Departments of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the country and the only New York State Center of Excellence in Mental Health, the NYU Child Study Center (CSC) faced losses of important clinical research funding and findings due to a complex and inconsistent approach to and management of subject recruitment for clinical research. The Capstone team was tasked with improving and streamlining research subject recruitment across the independent and diverse CSC research institutes. The team interviewed CSC staff to determine individual and common needs throughout the insti­tutes and elected to create an online Research Subject Recruitment Registry. The team worked with NYU's Institutional Review Board (IRB) and IT departments to create an appropriate prototype which could be applied to other NYU Medical Center Departments. Additionally, the team provided CSC with training materials for the online registry to ensure that its use is sustainable. "