St. George Ferry Terminal - Affordable Housing Needs and Options

Enterprise Community Partners
Audrey Slade and Rae Zimmerman
Michael Davis, Jane DeLashmutt, Susanne Huerta, Carrie Knudson, Becca Nagorsky, Jordan Schuler

Between 2000 and 2005 the median rent and home value of Staten Island's Community District 1 increased by 33 and 110 percent, respectively, outpacing the only 11 percent increase in median household income. The combination of accelerated housing costs and transportation options available in the District have prompted Enterprise Community Partners to identify the area of CD 1 within a two-mile radius of St. George Ferry Terminal as a potential candidate for affordable housing Smart Growth development. The Capstone team has been charged with preparing a thorough existing conditions report and potential development site analysis of this study area which will allow Enterprise to make informed decisions regarding where their mission of creating/supporting affordable housing, and fostering smart growth and economic development could have the most positive impacts. Through the analysis of census information, population growth projections, zoning regulations, and land use, transportation, housing and employment data, the report provides a comprehensive portrait of the study area and specifically identifies several potential affordable housing development sites.