New York Peace Institute (NYPI) is a community dispute and resolution center (CDRC) that provides mediation, conflict coaching, group facilitation, and restorative justice services to promote peace in Manhattan and Brooklyn communities. Research around effective methodologies for domestic conflict resolution is limited. As a result, there is insufficient access to research around measures of success in the field, and a lack of adequate guidance and standardization for CDRCs across the country. NYPI engaged the Capstone team to assist with developing strategies to improve the organization’s data and communications practices in order to convey impact more effectively to funders and the public. To inform the strategy development, the team completed internal and external assessments of data and communications practices in the field. The internal assessment consisted of interviews of NYPI staff, a review of NYPI’s existing data, and a communications SWOT analysis. The external assessment consisted of a literature review, peer scan, and interviews of peer organizations. The team synthesized its findings from these assessments in a final report to NYPI that includes a logic model and recommendations for strategic data and communications practices.