Student-Centered Care

New York University Student Health Center
Rona Affoumado
Eva Bak, Angela Dooley, Regina Hawkey, Winifred MacQuaye, Jose Marin

The NYU Student Health Center (NYUSHC) employed a Capstone team to assess the current health care delivery model and provide recommendations to implement a more student-centered service delivery system. The Capstone team reviewed the standards required for health care facilities to become a Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH), the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) schoolbased health program, and the Kaiser Permanente model to ascertain components of these models that could be adapted to enhance service delivery at NYUSHC. The team used the PCMH selfassessment tool to identify areas within the current NYUSHC system needing improvement, and conducted a student survey to gather feedback on provider-student communication preferences and important features of a student-centered health care model. The Capstone team then prepared a report of its findings for the NYUSHC leadership, including recommendations for system changes and accompanying implementation strategies.