Sustainable Consumption of Space

Ana Marie Argilagos
Jackie Burton, Colin Furness, Hunt Hobbs, Alejandro Schwedhelm

UN-Habitat focuses on the promotion of sustainable patterns of urban growth worldwide, with the ultimate vision of adequate shelter for all. The Capstone team was engaged to work with officials in Santa Marta, Colombia, to assist in the development of a citywide plan for land use. Fueled by economic success and internal displacement of families in Colombia, Santa Marta has experienced increased strain on land and resources due to rapid population growth. The land use plan is intended to steer the city away from its current path of uncontrolled growth to one that embodies UN-Habitat’s principles of sustainable urban development. The Capstone team surveyed academics, planning professionals, UN representatives, and local stakeholder groups in Santa Marta to rank potential urban planning interventions that would most adequately address problems of growth. Based on its findings, the team produced a thorough analysis of the plan, citing case studies to substantiate its final recommendations outlining plan priorities and next steps in implementation.