United Nations Aid Flow in Syria

The Syria Campaign
Kathleen Apltauer
Aarthi Bala, Danille Hoffer, Israel Sanchez

The Syria Campaign (TSC) is a human rights advocacy organization that supports Syria’s citizens in the struggle for democracy against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. TSC enlisted the Capstone team to create a report detailing how the approach of the United Nations (UN) to the Syrian Civil War has resulted in unnecessary civilian casualties and continued human rights violations by the Assad regime. After conducting extensive background research, including interviews with experts and academics, the team wrote a report detailing the UN’s failure to fulfill its responsibility to protect—explaining the UN decision-making process and making recommendations for how to campaign to pressure the UN to change its strategy in Syria. The team’s report was used to generate media attention around the UN’s lack of action and encouraged change when Syrian cross-border aid funding came up for renewal in the United Nations Security Council.

Capstone Year