This course, taught jointly by faculty members across the university, offers doctoral students an opportunity to learn about the latest theoretical and empirical research on critical urban issues. The course is not taught in a lecture format. Rather, the colloquium focuses on discussions of academic works in progress by scholars from around the country, working in such disciplines as sociology, history, planning, law, public health, public policy, and economics. Students will participate in an in-depth discussion of the paper with the author, together with other faculty and researchers from NYU and the New York area. Students must submit short papers critiquing a number of the works in progress, and have the opportunity to meet informally (usually over dinner) with a few authors to discuss the topic further. Students will also be assigned supplemental readings to ensure that they have the background necessary to understand upcoming papers. The course is designed to be multidisciplinary, and we invite doctoral students from across the university to enroll.