Identifying and Reducing Institutional Barriers to Effective and Efficient Freight Movement in the Downstate New York Region

de Cerreño, A.L.C.
Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management, NYU Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, December 2006

This report is the culmination of a study, funded by the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), that seeks to identify and recommend means for reducing one set of barriers--namely institutional barriers--to effective and efficient freight movement in the downstate New York region. The goals of the report are four-fold: (1) to identify and analyze institutional barriers to effective and efficient freight movement in the downstate New York region; (2) to identify potential means for overcoming such barriers; (3) to identify regional actions that could potentially improve the movement of freight in the downstate New York region; and (4) to identify a set of priority actions that could be taken. The findings of this report call for efforts aimed at increasing communication, sharing best practices, and gathering additional information.

Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management