New York Immigration Coalition

Walters, J.

In the late 1990's members of the New York Immigration Coalition took the bold step of beginning to use their collective clout to be effective, not just on immigration policy, but on issues like housing, education and health care. They have found strength in the core issues that knit them together. Director Margie McHugh and coalition members engage in power sharing, voter education, policy development and above all, winning. Their strategies include the following: Focus on Political Action: The Coalition's board and members made a deliberate decision to expand their policy objectives. They choose issues that widely resonate and that will not divide the coalition. Send Informed Voters to the Polls: The Coalition's member groups have proven they can deliver voters. Activities include conducting voter education and registration, and engaging in campaigns to turn out informed immigrant voters for city, state, and federal elections. Access the Power in Diversity: With the cooperation of a wide variety of groups, including allies and supporters, the Coalition can operate effectively on a policy level. Groom Leadership: In addition to member groups activating their own constituencies, the Coalition itself intentionally integrates new groups into its decision-making structure.

Leadership in Action at Wagner