The New York Transportation Journal

de Cerreño, A.L.C., Publisher, Sterman, B.P., Editor, Panero, M.A., Associate Editor.
Vol. XI No. 1, Fall

The lead article for this issue of the Journal presents an interview by Rachel Weinberger of Elliot G. "Lee" Sander, Executive Director and CEO of the MTA, and our former publisher and Director of the NYU Wagner Rudin Center. In his interview with Rachel, Lee talks about the challenges facing the MTA and his vision for the agency. Then, in a timely article on Financing Transportation, Linda Spock discusses research she conducted for the Rudin Center regarding programmed transit fare increase policies. A Suburbs of New York article, written by Gerry Bogacz of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) describes the continuing efforts to establish a sustainable development program on the eastern end of Long Island. Another, Beyond the Region, article written by three authors – Paul Noumba, Gyeng Chul Kim, and Patchareporn Talvanna – describes the implementation of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Seoul, South Korea. Notice that BRT is deemed as a key component of PlaNYC. Finally, the congestion of the Northeast Corridor's air and surface transportation system are addressed in a Surface, Air, and Waterways article by Allison L. C. de Cerreño, Director of the NYU Rudin Center for Transportation Management and Policy. She introduces a megamodal approach that looks at all transportation modes along the entire corridor, and begins to develop a vision for how passengers and freight can most effectively share the system while creating the highest level of mobility and access for both people and goods. Her article relates to a recent conference held by the Rudin Center, titled: "Thinking Bigger: New York and Transportation in the Northeast Megaregion."

Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management