Pedestrian and Bicyclist Standards and Innovations in Large Central Cities

de Cerreño, A.L.C. & Nguyen-Novotny, M.L.H.
Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management, NYU Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, and the Federal Highway Administration, in conjunction with the National Association of City Transportation Officials, Inc., January 2006

How best to promote the use of bicycles and walking, while ensuring safety and sufficient mobility for motor vehicles, presents an ongoing challenge in many locales. For large central cities, the issues are particularly complex as they balance multiple and competing interests while facing limited space and funding, with no national standards for guidance. Further hampering policy and planning initiatives for bicyclists and pedestrians are data limitations in a number of areas, including safety, design, and usage. This report is a culmination of a year-long study reviewing the common challenges and opportunities that large central cities share in promoting bicycling and walking, and provides examples of best practices in various cities nationally and internationally.

Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management