Natasha Iskander's book "Does Skill Make Us Human?" draws accolades from American Sociological Association

Natasha Iskander's book Does Skill Make Us Human? Migrant Workers in 21st Century Qatar and Beyond

The American Sociological Association (ASA) has recognized NYU Wagner Professor Natasha Iskander's book Does Skill Make Us Human? Migrant Workers in 21st Century Qatar and Beyond with two awards. An in-depth look at migrant workers recruited to build the stadiums for the World Cup of 2022 in Qatar, the book drew the ASA’s 2022 Sociology of Development Section Award as well as 2022 Labor and Labor Movements Section Award. The awards committee of academicians praised the book's elegant writing, creativity and theoretical rigor in examining how skill functions as a powerful marker of social difference, structuring all aspects of social and economic life. “The breath of data collection and ability to tell (the story of) a complex, multi-faceted organization system was truly impressive,” the judges stated. The book was published by Princeton University Press.