NYU Wagner awards first Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion research prize to Professor Jacob Faber

Jacob William Faber, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Public Service, is the recipient of NYU Wagner's inaugural Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) research prize. As part of NYU Wagner's schoolwide EDI plan, the award aims to highlight the importance of and encourage further research on these issues.
Professor Faber's prize-winning paper is titled "Segregation and the Geography of Creditworthiness: Racial Inequality in a Recovered Mortgage Market." In it, he explores the impact of racial and spatial disparities on access to mortgage credit, nearly one decade after the worldwide financial collapse. Minority borrowers, he finds, remained at a disadvantage in the mortgage approval process well into the housing market's recovery. Professor Faber's thoughtful and outstanding research speaks to the major issues of today. Congratulations, Professor Faber!