NYU Wagner student chosen as a US Presidential Management Fellow finalist

Nicholas Merckling (MPA 2019) has been named a US Presidential Management Fellow finalist, giving him the opportunity to work in a Federal agency at any time over the next 12 months.

The Class of 2019 was announced on  Nov. 20.

Bearing the Presidential moniker, the PMF Program is a flagship leadership development program at the entry level of the federal service for candidates with advanced degrees. Created by Executive Order more than three decades ago, the program currently attracts and selects the best candidates possible, aiming to develop a cadre of potential government leaders. It provides some sustenance during the first years of employment and encourages development of leadership capabilities, inculcating a spirit of public service and ultimately encouraging and leading to a government career.

Mercklin, in addition to studying toward his Master of Public Administration degree at NYU Wagner, is currently a 2018-19 Public Policy Fellow with the nonprofit Citizens Budget Commission in New York City. He is the Managing Editor of The Wagner Review.

Last summer, he served as a Graduate Summer Analyst with the NYC Mayor’s Office of Management and Budget, while in the first five months of 2018 he was a Capital Project Development Intern in the Office of the Mayor. Before enrolling at NYU Wagner, he worked as an Investment Analyst with Vanguard for more than three years.

Congratulations, Nicholas – and well done!

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