Recent Alumni Make Huffpost 40-Under-40 Honor Roll in International Development

Two stellar recent graduates of NYU Wagner have been recognized by the Huffington Post’s annual 40-under-40 list of "Latinos to watch for in the realm of foreign policy and international affairs who are on their way towards opening doors for the next generation."
Congratulations, Pamela Campos (MPA 2016)! Ms. Campos is a Geopolitical/Operations Intelligence Analyst in the U.S. Air Force, where she specializes in high-level strategic analysis, anti-violent extremism, and international affairs. She served previously as an international consultant for the Solidary Project, as well as an International Consultant in the United Nations Population Fund.
Kudos, Jayson Browder (Executive MPA 2015)! Mr. Browder is the Founder of Veterans in Global Leadership. He has served in both the White House and the U.S. House of Representatives as a Presidential Management Fellow with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Currently, he serves at USAID’s Global Development LAB in the office of Development Innovation Ventures. He is a U.S. Air Force and Iraq War veteran and a Fulbright scholar to Turkey.
NYU Wagner is delighted to see our graduates highlighted as they forge new directions in the critical realms of international development, policy, and public service.