Three Wagner Alumni Recognized as NYU Changemakers for the Public Good

The NYU Alumni Associated has recognized three NYU Wagner alumni as "NYU Changemakers" for 2021-22, among a total of 11 University alumni so honored for helping to create a better world in their outstanding public service careers.

Please join us in congratulating this trio of Wagner graduates: Ali Knight (MPA, 2007), President and CEO, Fresh Lifelines for Youth, or FLY; Claudia Espinosa (MPA, 2013), Founder and Executive Director, Latinas on the Verge of Excellence, or L.O.V.E; and Diana Mao (MPA, 2008), President and C0-founder, Nomi Network.

They share qualities of vision, perseverance, and belief, and their distinctive accomplishment is striving to build a better world. Chosen by the NYU Alumni Association Board from crowdsourced nominations, these alumni are "the best of the best: entrepreneurs and visionaries who save lives, reduce suffering, and bring hope to the marginalized.

"Ambition for private gain is one thing," the Board's announcement reads. "But ambition with the public good in mind? That's how you make change."

For more information on the honorees, please visit the NYU Alumni Changemakers.







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