Website Ranks NYU Wagner as 3rd Most Innovative Public Service School in Nation

NYU Wagner has been ranked 3rd in the 2015 Best Value Schools ranking of the 50 most innovative public service schools in the U.S.

According to the website’s survey, the rankings were based on the following school attributes:

U.S. News ranking: maximum 27 points, 16% of total ranking; number of degree programs: maximum 15 points, 9% of total ranking; student-to-faculty ratio: maximum 15 points, 9% of total ranking; number of Joint/Dual/Concurrent degree programs: maximum 33 points, 20% of total ranking; strength of internship programs: maximum 20 points, 12% of total ranking; QS Top Universities Innovation Ranking: maximum 15 points, 9% of total ranking; number of innovative features: maximum 40 points, 24% of total ranking.

Net price was also a factor, according to the announcement.

It adds:

“Sometimes overshadowed by its Ivy League neighbor, NYU [Wagner] offers just as many if not more innovative programs to aspiring public service professionals. Students complete rigorous Capstone requirements and select from a unique spread of seminars in economics, finance, politics, law, and global justice. NYU [Wagner] also boasts a long list of research opportunities, including the ‘Innovation Lab,’ which runs cutting-edge experiments testing the latest and greatest public policy theories.”