Financial Management for Health Care Orgs - I: Financial Management and Budgeting… and financial decision making as applied to health-care organizations. This course will cover two main topics: …News
Hunter Johansson (MPA 2018) honored with NASPAA AwardNYU Wagner alumnus, Hunter Johansson (MPA 2018), received the 2022 Alumni Spotlight Award for Outstanding Achievement in Public Service from the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA). Hunter Johansson is the founder …
Participants and Projects… worked middle management roles in several non-profit organizations. She also gained valuable work experience in … different levels and influenced the growth of some local organizations into powerful entities with functioning … She also serves on the board of three Non-Governmental Organizations. Action Learning Project (ALP) Project Title: …
Capstone Projects
Diversifying Revenue Streams in the Arts Impact SpaceSing for Hope is a nonprofit organization dedicated to harnessing the performing arts to transform lives. Each year, the Pianos Festival acts as a throughline for their programming in public spaces, schools, and hospitals, placing artist-designed pianos …
Student Spotlight: Brian Charles (MHA 2023)What motivated you to attend the Wagner School of Public Service? I felt that I was at a point in my career where I needed to broaden my knowledge of the healthcare industry if I was going to be competitive professionally. I believed that the online MHA …
Capstone Projects
Developing a Sustainable Volunteer Program … and to nurture the development of artists and cultural organizations. With a goal of raising the organization’s …
2021 AWARDS & DISTINCTIONS… interested in improving the operational effectiveness of organizations focused on equity in education so they can … with rural healthcare providers and community-based organizations. As a student, she learned in-depth about the … at the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations. … Presented for exemplary work done by a …
Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations… Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations …
Capstone Projects
Evaluation of the World Bank Group’s Evolving Approach in AccraThe Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) is an arm of the World Bank that evaluates the organization’s project portfolio. The IEG is currently evaluating the World Bank’s Urban Resilience Operations, focusing on how the World Bank is helping its clients …
Design Thinking: A Creative Approach to Problem Solving and Creating Impact… As the challenges and opportunities facing businesses, organizations, and society grow more complex, and as …Course
Principles of Human Resources Management for Healthcare Organizations… role of human resources management within healthcare organizations. It is required for health management students … In order to meet the challenges of the marketplace, organizations will need to improve the quality of the … resources management accordingly. The degree to which organizations manage the people issues will, to a great …Stories
Alumni Spotlight: Hunter Johansson (MPA 2018)… and engagement with government and community-based organizations is the impetus for empowering sustainable …
Financial Management for Health Care Orgs - II: Capital Financing and Advanced Issues… and other finance issues making as applied to health-care organizations. This course will cover three main topics: … capital and investment management activities of healthcare organizations. The course includes lectures, problem solving …Course
EMPA Seminar: Strategic Leadership for Public Service Organizations… for executing high-impact strategy within mission-driven organizations. Course topics are organized around four … conceptual frameworks for understanding high impact organizations and the role of strategic leadership, … … EMPA Seminar: Strategic Leadership for Public Service Organizations …Webpage
FALL 2022 LEAD AND PARKE FELLOWS… state and local government, think tanks, and non profit organizations such as The Century Foundation and The Georgia … a program that will award mini-grants to select nonprofit organizations. She is also organizing a voting rights rally … the legal field and volunteered for various social justice organizations in Tampa Bay, Florida. She received her BA in …
Faculty Profile
J. Renay LoperJ. Renay Loper centers people as an impact strategist driven by catalyzing change and leveraging the power of strategic partnerships across sectors to shift systems that address complex social problems and injustice in communities, globally. Currently, …
Management and Leadership (undergraduate)… and political skills needed to run effective and efficient organizations embedded in diverse communities, policy arenas, … them and then, identifying solutions—to explore how organizations can meet and exceed their performance …Course
The Business of Nonprofit Management… heavy emphasis on practical application. How do nonprofit organizations actually function? How do they attract …News
Powering Structural Change: A Conference Challenging the Public Sector's Status Quo… was the idea that communities lead the work; advocacy organizations are not representing the communities but rather … these communities are representing themselves, while organizations must empower their voices. Taking Stock of … Each panelist spoke on their experience managing staff and organizations and how DE&I factored into their work and how …
Alumni Spotlight: AiLun Ku (MPA 2008)… Center for Leadership in Action, among other social impact organizations. When asked to reflect on how she got to where … on reinventing what leaders do in service of their organizations and communities. The theme of the importance of …
Healthcare Information Technology: Public Policy and Management… the development of information technology in healthcare organizations. Included is a discussion of attempts to …Course
Financial Management I… budgeting and accounting for public, health, and nonprofit organizations. Through readings, lectures, real-world case …Course
Composing Your CareerThroughout this four-session workshop, students will use their experiences and education as the context for a series of career-related analyses based on the following four lenses: Issue, System, Organization, and Role. All discussions will be brought back …Course
Leadership and Social TransformationThis course is appropriate for students interested in the role that leadership plays in advancing social innovation and social change in the context of democratic governance. The course explores the role of leadership in organizational efforts to change …