The NYU Rudin Center for TransportationOffice of Student and Program Services The credit cards accepted for program payment are: VISA, MasterCard, and American Express. All fields marked with are required. Participant Information First Name Last Name Work Email Work Organization Contact …
Course Abroad - Program Fee Form… Note: Payment must be made via credit card . Payments are non-refundable and hold your seat in the course. All fields marked with an * are required. First Name Last Name N# University Name or Affiliation School Name Email Phone Address City State New …
Is neighbourhood destiny? Exploring the link between neighbourhood mobility and student outcomesThe notion that children from ‘good’ neighbourhoods are destined for success while those from ‘bad’ neighbourhoods are destined for failure has considerable popular appeal. Residential location is strongly linked to school quality, access to educated …
NYU Wagner Career Fair Registration PaymentAll fields marked with are required. First Name Last Name Organization Email Phone Address City State - American States Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois …
Alumnus Jayson Browder Discusses His New Endeavor, Veterans4DiplomacyNYU Wagner alumnus Jayson Browder (Global Executive MPA, 2015) was a recent guest interviewee at Carnegie New Leaders, a membership program for young professionals from a range of fields who wish to engage in a dialogue on ethics and international …
NYU Wagner Courses Abroad: Housing AccommodationsNote: Payment must be made via credit card. Payments are non-refundable. All fields marked with are required. First Name Last Name SID Number University Name or Affiliation School Name Email Phone Address City State Non-US AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL …
Student Spotlight: Lenny Cabral (MPA 2023)In her final year, Lenny Cabral (MPA 2023) reflects on the relationships and community of the Black Student Association (BSA) as well as her Capstone experience in the Dominican Republic which allowed for hands-on learning in international development and …
Influential Users in the Common Core and Black Lives Matter Social Media ConversationThis Data Report aims to map the pathways leading to issue politicization through identifying influential users within politically contentious topics on Twitter, using the online discussion over the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the Black Lives …
Online Issue Politicization: How the Common Core and Black Lives Matter Discussions Evolved on Social MediaSocial media present an increasingly common path to issue politicization, as the distance between policy advocates and the masses is greatly reduced. In this Data Report, we analyze the discussions on Twitter of two issues (Black Lives Matter and Common …
Alumni In Action
Elenie MartinezHow would you describe your experience as an NYU Wagner student? Throughout Wagner, I had experiences that made my time at Wagner truly valuable and eye-opening. Two professors stuck with me, Vanessa Leon and Jamila Brown who were extremely impactful in …
Alumni Spotlight: Hunter Johansson (MPA 2018)Solar Responders (SR), a New York-based nonprofit organization, installs solar power and battery storage in fire stations in Puerto Rico. The organization’s mission was developed in response to the devastation Hurricane Maria caused to the island’s power …
MHA Program and Beyond: Sehrish Mazhar's Career Redefined“My career in healthcare really began over 15 years ago. I started out in private practice in reception…that was a pivotal starting point in my career journey...being there for many years, I’ve always had a strong desire to take on increasingly greater …
The Georgina and Charlotte Bloomberg Public Service Fellows ProgramThe Georgina and Charlotte Bloomberg Public Service Fellows Program prepares high-potential students with the skills, knowledge, and networks to be impactful public service leaders. The Bloomberg Public Service Fellows will receive full-tuition …
FELPS Fellows 2018Emily Brennan is a research assistant at MDRC, a nonpartisan social policy and program evaluation firm. Emily is part of the Youth Development, Criminal Justice, and Employment Policy Area and her responsibilities include overall project management and …
PresentationsPresentations (through March 2023) (R. Zimmerman is the presenter where no presenter is indicated; an asterisk indicates presenter if other than or in addition to R. Zimmerman) March 23-27, 2023. “Spatially Dynamic Stakeholder Networks for Vital …