Powering Structural Change—and the willingness to challenge the status quo—is at the crux of public service … 2022) of the Wagner Diversity Council One of the final events of Powering Structural Change featured a Q&A with …
ALUMNI e-Newsletter… (MHA) program to the Wagner community. In addition to events and mixers, the Wagner Office of Alumni Relations is … professional development webinars. Stay up-to-date on events and programs by visiting the Alumni Portal , and … success. Alumni in Action … Faculty Spotlight … Recent Events The Recent Alumni Committee kicked off their Industry …
How WSA President David Aronov Plans to Build Community at NYU Wagner… represented the council member at numerous meetings and events. The part of my job that tied back into my community … officials to see the needs of Bukharian Jews, go to their events, sit down with them in meetings, and support their … heard most often from students is that there aren’t enough events where they can gather in a social setting to just talk …
Alumni In Action
Laurie Price… Reflecting on your time outside of the classroom (social events, orientations, trainings, etc.), can you describe one … with the Wagner community as an alumna (i.e. attending events, mentoring students, maintaining connections with … etc.)? As an alumna, I try to attend any education-related events put on by the school or WEPSA, including fundraisers. …
Student Spotlight: Sai Vichare (MPA 2023)… of the larger NYU Wagner network of resources, people, and events and I can proudly state that the program far surpassed …
Student Spotlight: JD Mazuera Arias (MPA 2024)… and being a Latino in America have led me to exploring careers in public service. In D.C., where I’ve lived for the …
A Wagner alum’s journey to redefine the healthcare system in Nairobi’s slums… have proved to be invaluable. At one of the microfinance events, Menke shared her idea of bringing affordable … “At NYU Wagner, I remember [our dean] telling us that the careers of our generation are going to be much more fluid, …
Voices of LGBTQ business leaders amplified thanks to NYU Wagner alumTwenty years ago, there were few possibility models for transgender or queer entrepreneurs. Fortunately, in today’s evolving global workforce, LGBTQ leaders and entrepreneurs are carving a path for their successors to maximize their success by being …
Alumni Spotlight: Mahima Sharda (MPA 2022)Where do you work? I currently work at Dasra, a philanthropic consultancy based in Mumbai, India. Describe your current job. In my role at Dasra, I contribute to the Research and Insights team, specializing in conducting comprehensive research and …
Transitioning from a Legal Career with Hopes of Representing Indonesia on an International StageBy: Katherine Key (MUP) Hailing from Jakarta, Indonesia, Ayu Ariyanti’s (MPA-PNP) plan for the future has taken a few different turns. Ayu studied law in her undergraduate program, and after two years as a trademark legal consultant at an intellectual …
Welcome to the NYU Migration Network October Digest… Here are some updates and upcoming migration and mobility events for this month. Follow Us on Twitter Please see our … that reflect your mobility-related scholarship. Upcoming Events In each digest, we will list upcoming events for the month related to the topic of migration that …
A Government Ill Executed: The Decline of the Federal Service and How to Reverse ItThe federal government is having increasing difficulty faithfully executing the laws, which is what Alexander Hamilton called “the true test” of a good government. This book diagnoses the symptoms, explains their general causes, and proposes ways to …
Alumni Spotlight: Moses Mansu (MPA 2000)What motivated you to attend the Wagner School of Public Service and how did it impact your understanding of health and healthcare? I relocated from Ghana to the United States and went to work for the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Bureau …
NYU Wagner Capstone: The Beginning of a Lifelong Journey From Fieldwork in Mozambique to a Career in Social Entrepreneurship… changes, safety protocols for communities during flood events, food distribution access points, family member safety …
Creating the Next Generation of Leaders through Quality Academic Instruction and Cultural Immersion … addition, awardees participate in professional development events throughout the summer. … Creating the Next Generation …
Alumni In Action
Marc MinorWhat do you do in your current role? I am currently a Senior Consultant with Deloitte. I work within their Business Risk service line, specifically in the area that focuses on government regulations. Presently, I have a Department of Defense (DoD) client. …
To become a better writer, it’s the thought that counts… of writing and communicating useful in their education and careers. The “Op-Ed Event” within Intro to Public Policy is …
Alumni Spotlight: Claudia Espinosa (MPA 2013)Founding a nonprofit organization was not the direction Claudia Espinosa (MPA 2013) thought that her life would take when she moved to New York City from Colombia in 2000. Espinosa always wanted to have a career that would allow her to help others, and …
#MyWagnerLife: Erin Connell (MPA-PNP) TODAY! Follow @Erin_M_Connell for an exciting behind-the-scenes look at life as an @nyuwagner student. #MyWagnerLife — NYU Wagner (@NYUWagner) April 11, 2016 Started Monday by submitting my application for @nyuwagner ’s …
NYU Wagner Alumni Launch New Public Policy Wiki – PolicyAtlas… work. Their project was inspired not only by their careers in public service, but also by Professor Beth Simone …
FALL 2021 DEMOCRACY FELLOWS… at NYU Wagner. Prior to Wagner, she created and managed events for international students at an international …
Summer 2021 LEAD Fellows… at NYU Wagner. Prior to Wagner, she created and managed events for international students at an international … Amanda will be attending and organizing fundraising events for candidates, researching viable candidates for the …
#MyWagnerLife: Takiema Bunche Smith (EMPA)… . @NYUWagner throughout my degree, access to workshops, events & advisement has helped me clarify where I've been & …
#MyWagnerLife: Michael Czaczkes (MPA-PNP) TODAY! Follow student @urbanamerica87 for an exclusive "behind the scenes" look into life @NYUWagner #MyWagnerLife — NYU Wagner (@NYUWagner) April 23, 2015 So excited to be participating next Thursday to share my …