Course Abroad - Program Fee Form… Note: Payment must be made via credit card . Payments are non-refundable and hold your seat in the course. All fields marked with an * are required. First Name Last Name N# University Name or Affiliation School Name Email Phone Address City State New …
The NYU Rudin Center for TransportationOffice of Student and Program Services The credit cards accepted for program payment are: VISA, MasterCard, and American Express. All fields marked with are required. Participant Information First Name Last Name Work Email Work Organization Contact …
Carbon pricing & innovation in a world of political constraintsOrganized by Jesse Jenkins, Leah Stokes, and Gernot Wagner. Thanks to Hewlett and Sloan Foundations as well as the Washington Center for Equitable Growth and Niskanen Center for generous support. (Subsequent workshop, held in November 2020, on the " …
What is ExemptAt the beginning of in the federal regulations, there is a list of categories of research that are exempt from the regulations. These include (but are not limited to): Research conducted in established or commonly accepted educational settings, involving …
NYU Wagner honors 375 graduating students at 2018 ConvocationIn a time when, as Dean Sherry Glied put it, “well-funded propaganda machines pump out click-bait headlines, and partisans of all stripes shout ‘fake news!,’” the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at NYU proudly heralded the success of …
SpotlightInterviews with authors of new books on migration and mobility … Gina Caputo interviews Cristina Vatulescu about the book Reading the Archival Revolution Declassified Stories and Their Challenges (Stanford University Press, 2024) About the author Cristina …
NYU Wagner Career Fair Registration PaymentAll fields marked with are required. First Name Last Name Organization Email Phone Address City State - American States Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois …
Effect of QAP Incentives on the Location of LIHTC PropertiesRecent research has examined the siting patterns of Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) developments, but the reality is that the LIHTC program is not one uniform, national program. Rather, the program is administered by state allocating agencies, each …
NYU Wagner Courses Abroad: Housing AccommodationsNote: Payment must be made via credit card. Payments are non-refundable. All fields marked with are required. First Name Last Name SID Number University Name or Affiliation School Name Email Phone Address City State Non-US AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL …
Curricular ResourcesBringing salmon back to the Columbia river: How Native American tribes are implementing a wa- tershed-wide plan. Columbia River Inter-tribal Fish Commission. The Electronic Hallway and Research Center for Leadership in Action . By Jennifer Dodge and …
State of New York City's Housing and Neighborhoods 2011The Furman Center is pleased to present the 2011 edition of the State of New York City’s Housing and Neighborhoods. In this annual report, the Furman Center compiles statistics on housing, demographics and quality of life in the City, its five boroughs …
Cross-national measurement of school learning environments: Creating indicators for evaluating UNICEF’s Child Friendly Schools InitiativeThe present study examines the psychometric properties of a student-reported measure of school quality, the CFS Conditions for Learning Survey, to examine its utility as a cross-national comparative measure to evaluate UNICEF's Child Friendly Schools …
NYU Wagner Urban Planning Capstone Team Develops Interactive Geospatial ToolThe New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) enlisted the help of a NYU Wagner Capstone team in 2020-21 to evaluate its project selection methodology through an equity lens. The project’s objective was to determine if its Better Buses projects are …
Long-Term Associations of Homelessness with Children's Well-BeingTo analyze long-term consequences of homelessness, the authors compared 388 formerly homeless children 55 months after shelter entry with 382 housed peers, birth to 17, using mother- and child-reported health, mental health, community involvement, …
Debt Financing and Management for Public OrganizationsThis course will focus on the issuance and management of debt by state and local governments as well as nonprofit institutions. The course will serve as an overview of how municipal and nonprofit borrowers access the capital markets, primarily through the …Publication
Long-term associations of homelessness with children’s well-beingTo analyze long-term consequences of homelessness, the authors compared 388 formerly homeless children 55 months after shelter entry with 382 housed peers, birth to 17, using mother- and child-reported health, mental health, community involvement, …
FRENCH HEALTH CARE SYSTEMCanone, François, and Jean Claude Guyot. "Health Policy in France: A Major Issue in the 1978 Legislative Elections." International Journal of Health Services 8, no. 3 (1978): 509-518. Durieux, Pierre, Carine Chaix-Couturier, Isabelle Durand-Zaleski and …
New York City Panel on Climate Change 2019 Report Chapter 8: Indicators and MonitoringReginald Blake, Klaus Jacob, Gary Yohe, Rae Zimmerman, Danielle Manley, William D. Solecki, Cynthia Rosenzweig … New York City Panel on Climate Change 2019 Report Chapter 8: Indicators and …
Alumni In Action
Margaret diZeregaTell us about your current public service work. Can you briefly describe your employment organization and position responsibilities, as well as any relevant volunteer or entrepreneurial activities? I am the Director of the Family Justice Program at the …
Real Estate FinanceThe course introduces students to the basic tools of real estate analysis and finance. The development and redevelopment of urban real estate, especially housing, is examined from a public policy perspective. Students will learn the acquisition and …Publication
Financial hardship and drug use among men who have sex with menSu Hyun Park, Yazan A. Al-Ajlouni, Joseph J. Palamar, William C. Goedel, Anthony Estreet, Brian D. Elbel, Dustin Duncan … Financial hardship and drug use among men who have sex with …
Guidelines for Wagner-Invited Speaker InvitationsThese guidelines are intended to convey the sense of the faculty with respect to invitations extended by the School and members of the School community to outside speakers. They build on the University’s Guidelines for Administrative Implementation of …
Association of financial hardship with poor sleep health outcomes among men who have sex with menSu Hyun Park, Yazan A. Al-Ajlouni, Lauren Hale, Girardin Jean-Louis, William C. Goedel, Basile Chaix, Brian D. Elbel … Association of financial hardship with poor sleep health outcomes among men who have sex with …
Leadership and Social TransformationThis course is appropriate for students interested in the role that leadership plays in advancing social innovation and social change in the context of democratic governance. The course explores the role of leadership in organizational efforts to change …