Advancing Relational Leadership Research: A Dialogue Among PerspectivesLeaders and followers live in a relational world-a world in which leadership occurs in complex webs of relationships and dynamically changing contexts. Despite this, our theories of leadership are grounded in assumptions of individuality and linear …
Using Child Indicators to Influence Policy: A Comparative Case StudyAber, J.L, Berg, J., Godfrey, E., & C. Torrente. S.B. Kamerman, S. Phipps & A. Ben Arieh (Eds.). … Using Child Indicators to Influence Policy: A Comparative Case …
Public Opinion and Constitutional ControversyAmerican politics is most notably characterized by the heated debates on constitutional interpretation at the core of its ever-raging culture wars, and the coverage of these lingering disputes is often inundated with public-opinion polls. Yet for all …
How States Stand to Gain or Lose Federal Funds by Opting In or Out of the Medicaid ExpansionFollowing the Supreme Court's decision in 2012, state officials are now deciding whether to expand their Medicaid programs under the Affordable Care Act. While the states' costs of participating in the Medicaid expansion have been at the forefront of this …
101 Careers in Healthcare ManagementCareers in health administration continue to grow despite an overall downturn in the economy. This is a field that offers tremendous job opportunities across the spectrum of healthcare delivery and payment organizations. 101 Careers in Healthcare …
Banking The WorldAbout 2.5 billion adults, just over half the world’s adult population, lack bank accounts. If we are to realize the goal of extending banking and other financial services to this vast “unbanked” population, we need to consider not only such product …