NYU Wagner Dean Search 2025

NYU Wagner Dean - Job Description (PDF)

As a first step in identifying a successor to Sherry Glied as Dean of the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, a Search Committee has been formed.

Katherine O'Regan, Professor of Public Policy and Planning & Faculty Director, NYU Furman Center, has agreed to chair the Committee. We are grateful to her and the other members of the Committee for agreeing to undertake this time-consuming and important work. We are confident they will identify and recommend outstanding candidates.

The Committee held its first meeting February 6, and representatives on the Committee will be reaching out to the wider Wagner community to seek input. Many of you have wide-ranging networks and might therefore suggest qualified candidates for the Wagner deanship. The Committee would welcome your input, as well as any questions you may have regarding the search process. Nominations, questions, and other recommendations can be forwarded to Professor Katherine O'Regan and the Search Committee at wagnerdeansearch@nyu.edu. Thank you in advance for your participation in this important process.

As the Committee begins its work, let us once again thank Dean Glied for her many contributions and outstanding service to the School and the University.

Wagner Dean’s Search Committee Members

Katherine O'Regan, Chair, Professor of Public Policy and Planning, Wagner

Tiffany Charbonier, Associate Director, Wagner Academic Operations

Steven Cohen, Chair, NYU Wagner Dean’s Council, and NYU Trustee

Thomas D’Aunno, Professor of Management, Wagner

Kristen Day, Vice Provost

Brian Elbel, Professor of Population Health and Health Policy, Wagner, and Professor, Grossman School of Medicine

Tatiana Homonoff, Associate Professor of Economics and Public Service, Wagner

Kyle Kimball, Vice President of Government Affairs and Community Engagement

Michael Lindsey, Dean, Silver School of Social Work

Domingo Morel, Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Service, Wagner

Martha Stark, Clinical Professor, Wagner

Kevin Sullivan, President, Wagner Student Association


Outreach Efforts

We are committed to seeking input widely and are organizing opportunities to engage with the Wagner community, as well as with other units in NYU and with key external constituents. To that end, we have set up the following sessions. Invitations are being sent via email.


Adjunct Faculty Listening Session: February 20, 5:00-6:00pm (Zoom)
C-Faculty Listening Session: February 25, 10:00-11:00am (hybrid)
T-Faculty Listening Session: February 24, 2:00-3:00pm (in person)
FT Faculty Listening Session: February 27, 1:30-3:00pm (in person) 


Staff Listening Session: February 25, 11:00am-12:00pm (in person)
Staff Listening Session: February 28, 11:00am-12:00pm (Zoom)


Student Listening Session: February 20, 5:00-6:00pm (in person)
Student Listening Session: February 27, 5:00-6:00pm (Zoom) 


Alumni Advisory Listening Session: February 26, 5:00-6:00pm (Zoom)

Dean's Council

Dean's Council Listening Session: March 5, 5:00-6:00pm (Zoom)