Anthony Kovner

Professor Emeritus of Public and Health Management

The Puck Building
295 Lafayette Street
Room 3008
New York, NY 10012
By Appointment
Anthony Kovner

Anthony R. Kovner, Professor Emeritus of Public and Health Management, is an organizational theorist by training. His research interests include health services management and governance. He has been a senior manager in two hospitals, a nursing home, a group practice, and a neighborhood health center, as well as a senior health care consultant for a large industrial union. Professor Kovner has written numerous articles on health services management, evidence-based management, and hospital governance. His books include: Health Care Management in Mind: Eight Careers (Springer, 2000) and Health Care Delivery in the United States 10th edition, coeditor, (Springer 2011).

Professor Kovner has served as a consultant to the New York Presbyterian Hospital & Health Care System, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, Montefiore Medical Center, and the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, among others. He was a board member of the Lutheran Medical Center for 25 years and was the former director for over 15 years of NYU/Wagner's program of health policy and management. Kovner was awarded the Filerman Prize for Educational Leadership in 1999 by Association of Programs in Health Administration.

Professor Kovner received his Ph.D. in public administration from the University of Pittsburgh, and his MPA from Cornell University.