Victor G. Rodwin

Professor Emeritus of Health Policy and Management

Victor G. Rodwin

Victor G. Rodwin is Professor Emeritus of Health Policy and Management at the Wagner School of Public Service, New York University, and Co-Director (with Michael K. Gusmano) of the World Cities Project, a joint venture of Wagner/NYU, the Hastings Center, and the Butler Columbia Aging Center.

Professor Rodwin teaches courses on community health and medical care, comparative analysis of health care systems and international perspectives on health system performance and reform. Over the past year he has developed and taught the introductory class on Health Policy and the Health System I for the new MHA online program. He has lectured on these topics around the world: the Council for Social Development, New Delhi, Sun Yat Sen University, Gouangzhou, Fudan University, Shanghai, Renmin University, Beijing, London School of Economics and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, and the Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Paris.

Professor Rodwin was Visiting Professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Ecole Pasteur/CNAM de Santé Publique during his sabbatical leave in 2012-2013. He was awarded the Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair during the Spring semester of 2010 while he was based at the University of Paris–Orsay. In 2000, he was the recipient of a three-year Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Investigator Award on "Megacities and Health: New York, London, Paris and Tokyo." His research on this theme led to the establishment of the World Cities Project (WCP)  which focuses on neighborhood aging, population health and the health care systems in New York, London, Paris, Tokyo and Hong Kong, and among neighborhoods within these world cities.

Professor Rodwin is the author of numerous articles and books, including The Health Planning Predicament: France, Quebec, England, and the United States (University of California Press, 1984); The End of an Illusion: The Future of Health Policy in Western Industrialized Nations (with J. de Kervasdoué and J. Kimberly, University of California Press, 1984); Public Hospitals in New York and Paris (with C. Brecher, D. Jolly, and R. Baxter), New York University Press, 1992); Japan's Universal and Affordable Health Care: Lessons for the U.S.? (Japan Society, 1994); Growing Older in World Cities: New York, London, Paris and Tokyo (edited with M. Gusmano), Vanderbilt University Press 2006; Universal Health Insurance in France: How Sustainable? Essays on the French Health Care System (Washington DC, Embassy of France, 2006); Health Care in World Cities: New York, London and Paris (with M. Gusmano and D. Weisz), Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. A recent book (with D. Tabuteau) was published in France: A La Santé de l'Oncle Sam: Regards croisés sur les systèmes de santé Américains et Français (To the Health of Uncle Sam: Perspectives on the American and French health systems). Paris, Jacob-Duvernet, 2010. Also, a research monograph (with P. Chau, J. Woo, M. Gusmano, D. Weisz) on Growing Older in Hong Kong, New York and London (2012) was published in Hong Kong. Recent journal articles have appeared in Health Affairs, New England J. of Medicine, American J. of Public Health, J. of Urban Health, J. of Health Economics Policy and Law, J. of Health Policy, Politics and Law, J. of Health Services Research and Policy, International J. of Health Services, International J. of Health Policy and Management and Sèves: Tribunes de la Santé.

Before launching WCP, Professor Rodwin directed Wagner’s International Initiative (1992 to 1998), and its Advanced Management Program for Clinicians (1987-1992). From 1983 to 1985 he was Assistant Professor of Health Policy at the University of California–San Francisco. Professor Rodwin has been a member of the Academy for Social Insurance since 1998. He reviews articles for leading journals in the field on a regular basis and has consulted with the French National Health Insurance Fund, the Paris University Hospitals (AP-HP), the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, the World Health Organization and Blue-Cross/Blue Shield of Vermont.

Professor Rodwin earned his Ph.D. in city and regional planning, and his MPH in public health, at the University of California, Berkeley.