Applying and Analyzing an Impact Framework

Third Sector Capital Partners
Alexandra Ruiz
Christopher Blackett, Samantha Creath, Erika Flores, Ally Kwak, Chloe McKenzie

Third Sector Capital Partners (TSCP) is a leading advisory firm in the field of pay for success and outcomes-oriented contracting. TSCP researched, analyzed, and constructed a comprehensive impact framework to better assess its impact on clients and the broader field in which its clients operate. TSCP engaged a Capstone team to apply the framework to its portfolio of projects, design a process for its future application, analyze the results, and provide recommendations. The team interviewed stakeholders—both internal and external—on over two dozen projects, collecting qualitative information from payers, funders, implementers, evaluators, and TSCP employees. The team synthesized the results of the framework assessment into a report for TSCP and its board of directors. The report includes observations on TSCP’s impact and work, as well as recommendations for service offerings and process implementation.

Capstone Year