Cost Analysis of New York State Election Reforms

Citizens Union Foundation
Meridith Seife
Caroline Iosso, TiYanna Long, Laura Miller, Laura Mowry, Joseph Sutkowi
Citizens Union Foundation (Citizens Union), an NYC-based democratic reform organization, seeks to inform, empower, and organize citizens around voting reforms in New York State. New York State has the fourth-lowest voter participation rate and some of the most restrictive voter laws in the country. Many state legislators and county elections officials have not rallied around proposals that aim to increase accessibility and efficiency in elections, often citing the magnitude and uncertainty of costs as an impediment to change. Citizens Union engaged a Capstone team to assess the implementation and ongoing costs and savings of three election reforms: electronic poll books, combining the state and federal primary elections, and early voting. The team analyzed the costs of implementing these reforms in other states and worked with elected officials to apply these costs to New York State. The team delivered a comprehensive report outlining short- and long-term cost estimates for New York State and its counties.
Capstone Year