Asian Women Giving Circle
Shaffer, Matthew
Lauren Bernstein, Malika Henriques, Paige Landon Host, Ziyi Liu

Asian Women Giving Circle (AWGC) is a unique community-based grassroots collective of philanthropists who raise and distribute individual grants to New York City-based Asian American women artists who use their creativity to advance social justice. The number of grantee applications grows each year, yet AWGC's annual fundraising has plateaued. AWGC enlisted a Capstone team to provide recommendations on how to increase its pool of funding for grantees. The team conducted interviews and surveys to collect qualitative and quantitative data about AWGC's participants. The team analyzed the findings and provided a report with recommendations on how AWGC can increase its fundraising while maintaining the culture of the giving circle. The report included recommended donor engagement strategies, a list of fundraising ideas, research on potential high-net-worth donors in New York City, testimonials from AWGC participants, and the survey and interview tools.

Capstone Year