Measuring Client Satisfaction to Improve Service Quality

The Bronx Defenders
Erica Hamilton
Martha Askandar, Darryn Glenn, Rachel Lieberman, Crissi Mann, Lily Pepper
The Bronx Defenders (BxD) provides client-centered, holistic services to low-income people in the Bronx, including family defense services that prevents children in the Bronx from being taken unnecessarily from their families and placed in the child protection system. Believing that client satisfaction is a central pillar in this effort, BxD engaged a Capstone team to support efforts to improve the quality of its family defense services by measuring client satisfaction. The team developed a survey and methodology based on the results of their background research, in-person interviews, and court shadowing. After piloting the survey in the Bronx Family Court, the team analyzed the results and created a comprehensive report outlining recommendations for data-informed process changes to improve BxD’s client satisfaction outcomes.
Capstone Year