New York City Nonprofit Organizations: Fiscal Health Indicators Database

Fiscal Management Associates
John Brothers and Monte Kurs
Erica Dixon, Olivia J. Han, Yuan Tan, Ismet Utebayev, Ranran Zhang

Fiscal Management Associates (FMA) provides fiscal consulting services to nonprofit organizations by enhancing knowledge and skills to successfully fulfill their missions. Currently FMA has a wealth of experience guiding its understanding of what works to achieve or maintain organizational fiscal health, but lacks hard data in some areas. FMA asked the Capstone team to launch a research project aimed at creating a database containing detailed financial and management information from local nonprofit organizations with annual budgets equal to $15 million or less, with particular focus on the areas of education, health and human services, and housing and settlement. The process of data collection included in-person interviews with several chief financial officers, online surveys, and the retrieval of information from F990 and financial statements. By collecting, organizing, and storing data in one centralized location, a powerful tool will be created for identifying specific best practices among effective and financially efficient nonprofit organizations.