Strategic Direction in Mission-Related Investing

Confluence Philanthropy
Alexandra Ruiz
Seth Abramson, Rose Harvey, Dana Schneider, Marisa Siroka

Confluence Philanthropy advances mission-aligned investing by supporting a community of 200 foundations, families, individual donors, and investment advisors committed to moving philanthropic assets towards mission-related investments. Confluence encourages collaboration, resource sharing, and leadership development across its membership by convening members and offering them technical assistance, resources, and educational programming. Approaching its 10-year anniversary, Confluence has reached a pivotal moment characterized by a growing membership and broader interest in the field of mission-related investing. To ensure that its strategic direction is informed by its members, Confluence engaged a Capstone team to perform a membership assessment. The team developed assessment tools, including three interview guides and two surveys designed with a focus on three research areas: membership composition, programmatic focus, and business model. The team conducted member interviews, administered the surveys, and synthesized and analyzed the data to discover key findings. The team’s recommendations provide guidance on how to incorporate members’ insights into strategic actions that strengthen the organization.

Capstone Year